Friday, September 01, 2006

Welcome to my family.

So where do I start...... thats a good one.
Its kind of funny that I cant think of what to say. Im the one that has to be so organised all the time.

As its my first time I'll fill you in on a few details so u know where Im at.

I am a single mum from Australia and I have a large family.
A large family isnt a word you hear of too often here. A large family is considered to be Mum, Dad, and 3 kids.....

My family defenatly is not all that!!

I have come a long and hard rocky road to be here today and I'm proud to stand up and be counted as a dieing breed.

I have 6 children ranging from 9yrs to 1yrs.
Matthew is my eldest and lives with the boys father. He's 9.
Benjamin is 7 turning 8 soon. Samuel is 6 turning 7. Joshua is 5 and very proud of the fact.
Rose-Marie is 3 and my only girl and baby Antonio is my last and final at the tender age of 1yr.

I get a lot of flack for being a single parent. I get it for being only young. I wont lie I'm 27. Then again I get a lot of flack for having a large family.
Who do these people think they are! They think they can treat you like dirt because they can't do it? But they think its different for the school and day care teachers. ???
I dont care what they think and I'm just gonna let it make me be more determined to be the best parent I can be.
Today I was surfing the web and here I am. Thanks to the many other large families out there like myself who had the guts to stand up and be counted and show the world that there's more to being a parent of a large family. To those families I thank you and wish you well you deserve it.
Keep up the good work.

My family life is a very interesting one..... as most are!
I have been working since Feb part time as a delivery driver. This is a time I cherish. It feels good to be able to earn money for my family to help to purchase the things we need ( Van come to mind). Having a large family and being on a low income can be very interesting. We cherish what we have.
I just finnished training recently and I'm now doing Taxi driving on Medi buses. These are large vans designed to accomodate sick people/ wheel chairs/ cargo and up to 12 people.
Driving these can be intersting and I love it. Some of the people you meet are an inspiration.
I work a couple days a week and the rest of the time I play mum and household manager. Bit like running the small business.
Yes... I'm self employed.
The children go to day care for the week and go to the local school.
Some times I drive them to school but most of the time they're on the bus.
Before this was a full time parent and did voluntary work and study.
In this country like most, single parents are required to work. We do get some assistance but we work. I dont mind because it gives us the chance to get those things we would like.

The boys can be a bit hyperactive and noisy. I'm sure the nieghbours love us. We live in the suburbs ( much better when they have an open paddock to explore).
Samuel is level 2 I.I. meaning his interlectually Impaired. This on its own can be very challenging but hes a beautiful natured child. We love him. This means we sometimes have to make allowance for Sam. But like they say "It's all good!".

Ben is in grade 3. His you typical 7/8 yr old. Full of energy and 1 hell of a loud mouth! We are trying to teach him to not yell. His getting there slowly. His had his hearing tested twice and seems to be fine. His uncle on his dads side of the family is the same so I think it might be in the genes.

Sam does SEU ( special ed.) intergrated into class rooms. He has not long been going full time to school. His in grade 1. Repeated preschool and did a lot of occupational and speech therapy.
He has had a tougue operation for tougue tie 2 yrs ago and has been going in leaps and bound ever since. He was born at 32 wks gest. was on high oxygen and humidity with a reaccuring staph infection on the chest. This led to on going problems that he was determind to defy.

Josh goes to preschool at the day care centre and loves it. Can you believe its easier and cheeper to pu them in day care for preschool.
We have terriable waiting lists for preschool here. As of next year they are bringing in this new system that does away with preschool. They call it prep year. Thats going to be interesting.

Rose does kindy and loves going to "school" ( day care).
she is a darlin' and I wish I had more girls, but I won't complain.

Antonio goes to the babies room and loves playing with different toys and his friends. He always crawls up to me when I come, ready for me to pick up for a cuddle. That is the best time. Our evening hug.

Bringing up a large family can be very interesting, as you will see as you get to know us.
I don't have any family or friends much ( 1 or 2 in another town), I moved here not long ago..... long story...... My next of kin is the mobile ph and unfortunatly along with many other things I have discovered having a large family is the reason I dont have many friends or get to go out on dates( not that I have much time) along with a multitude of what ever they can throw in your face.
I find people very intolarable to this subject.

What matters is that I love my family and that we do our best.
We make time for ourselfs and each other.

Well its late here.... Till next time.


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